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2024/06/05 使用雙孔囊外固定手術治療38隻狗的前十字韌帶斷裂

Two-hole extracapsular technique for the repair of canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture in thirty-eight dogs
Mitsuhiro Isaka, Masahiko Befu, Nami Matsubara, Mayuko Ishikawa, Yurie Arase, Akiko Doi, Shinichi Namba Marble Veterinary Medical Center, Fujisawa, Japan
Extracapsular technique with lateral fabellar suture (LFS) is one of the commonest surgical techniques for canine cranial cruciate ligament (CRCL) rupture.
Among LFS methods,parallel double holes in the tibia are the most
effective for the repair of canine stifle joint.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of two-hole LFS for canine CRCL rupture. We retrospectively evaluated the outcome
of canine CRCL rupture treated with two-hole LFS technique performed by two surgeons from October 2011 to September 2013.
Breeds included Beagle (n=5), Yorkshire terrier (n=5), German shepherd (n=4), and so on. Mean body weight was 14.0±11.6 kg (>10kg: n=16, <10 kg: n=22). Body condition score (5 scales) was as follows: 1 (n=0), 2 (n=1), 3(n=18), 4 (n=18), and 5 (n=1). There were 18 males [neutered (n=11)] and 20 females [spayed (n=12)]. Mean age was 83.4±44.8 months (>12 months: n=35, <12 months: n=3). The type of rupture was partial (n=17) and complete (n=21). The affected site was right (n=20), left (n=18), and bilateral (n=4).
Rehabilitation after operation was needed in 8 cases. There were 12 cases of previous medial patellar luxation operation, and 6 cases of
opposite site CRCL surgery. Start of weight bearing and resolution of extension function was on day 1 (n=30), day 2 (n=0), and after day 2 (n=8). There was no evidence of surgical site infection/inflammation in any cases. The results of this study showed that two-hole LFS is an easy and effective technique for the
repair of canine CRCL.

Two-hole extracapsular technique for the repair of canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture in thirty-eight dogs
囊外固定技術是犬前十字韌帶(CRCL)斷裂最常見的手術技術之一。囊外固定技術中以脛骨平行雙孔囊外固定為最多且有效的手術方式。本研究的目的是評估兩孔囊外固定技術治療犬前十字韌帶斷裂的有效性。我們回顧性評估了結果2011 年 10 月至 2013 年 9 月期間,兩名外科醫師採用兩孔囊外固定技術治療犬前十字韌帶斷裂。
2.平均體重為14.0±11.6 kg(>10kg:有16隻,<10kg:有22隻)。
3.性別:有 18 隻雄性 [已絕育 有11隻] 和 20 隻雌性 [已絕育 有12隻]。
4.平均年齡為 83.4±44.8 個月(>12 個月:有35隻,<12 個月:有3隻)。
6.受影響部位為右側有20隻、左側有18隻 及雙側有4隻。